Delete Documents / Items node

A node that allows to delete documents or items from a Domino database (V10 +). It implements the new NodeJS APIs that allow you to interact with the Domino Query Language language.
The node implements the following APIs

  • bulkDeleteDocuments API 
    to delete a list of Documents retrieved by a DQL Query
  • bulkDeleteDocumentsByUnid API 
    to delete a list of Documents specified by a list of unids
  • bulkDeleteItems API 
    to delete a list of Items from the Documents retrieved by a DQL Query
  • bulkDeleteDocumentsByUnid API 
    to delete a list of Items from the Documents specified by a list of unids

Clicking on any instance of the node, you can see the online help in the rightmost panel of the Node-RED editor:

The help describes the behavior of the node as well as all the input and output parameters for the node itself.

Selecting the Domino Server and Database

You can select the instance of the Domino Database that will be used by this node by means of the Database selector:

This provides access to the library of dominodb configurations.

Selecting the target

By means of the Docs or Items selector, you can choose to delete entire documents or the value of selected attributes within the selected documents.

It is, also, possible to configure the node to delegate to the incoming msg.DDB_documentsOrItems attribute the kind of operation to be performed. This is useful when, in your flow, you may want to decide which type of operation to perform based on the status of your flow. The accepted values for this attribute are documentsor items.

Selecting the operation

By means of the Type selector, you can choose to delete the documents identified by a DQL Query or by the list of Unique Ids associated to each document.

It is, also, possible to configure the node to delegate to the incoming msg.DDB_queryOrIds attribute the kind of operation to be performed.
This is useful when, in your flow, you may want to decide which type of operation to perform based on the status of our flow. The accepted values for this attribute are queryor ids.

  • In this case, you will also have to provide a value to the input attribute for the DQL Query string (as msg.DDB_query) or for the list of Unique Ids (as msg.DDB_unids).

Deleting Documents by Query

If you elected to delete entire documents by Query, you will see the following panel:

You can specify a valid DQL Query (in the above picture 'nodejs'.status = 'pending' ).

In the above picture:

  • The DQL Query input can be left empty in the editor. You can use the msg.DDB_query input attribute to provide the information at runtime.
  • The Results selector allows to define the documents that will be deleted.

    The possible values are:
    • Default:
      In this case the query will be executed without specifying any start and count parameters. Only those documents which match the default criteria (from index “0” to index “99”) will be deleted
    • All Documents
      In this case the items for all the documents matching the query will be deleted.
      Be aware that this may be a huge number which may make your NodeRED environment getting out of Memory.
    • By Page
      In this case, you will be asked to specify the start and count parameters in order to delete “count documents starting at the start index
      • The start and count parameters can also be specified by using the incoming msg.DDB_startValue and msg.DDB_countValue attributes.
        The values in the configuration panel override the incoming values.
    • —set from DDB_displayResults–
      The incoming msg.DDB_displayResults can be used to provide the information at runtime. Valid values are “Default”, “All” and “byPage”.
  • we are using Defaults for the query. You can override them by unchecking the Default Options checkbox and specifying different values for the Max View Entries, Max Documents and Max Milliseconds parameters).

Deleting Documents by ID

If you elected to delete entire documents by Query, you will see the following panel:
You can specify a comma-separated list of unique Ids (in the above picture F3621B43510933A88825831D00474F2D, E2510A3A32409822F77714720C99363E1C).

  • The Doc Ids input can be left empty in the editor. You can use the msg.DDB_unids input attribute (which is, also, a comma-separated list of unique ids) to provide the information at runtime.

Deleting Items by Query

If you want to delete items within documents by specifying a DQL Query, you will see the following panel:

You can specify a valid DQL Query (in the above picture 'nodejs'.status = 'pending' ) and a comma-separated list of item names (in the above picture customer, amount). The Item Names input field defines the names of the items that will be removed from the selected documents.

In the above picture:

  • The DQL Query input can be left empty in the editor. You can use the msg.DDB_query input attribute to provide the information at runtime.
  • The Results selector allows to define the documents that will be deleted.
    The possible values are:
    • Default:
      In this case the query will be executed without specifying any start and count parameters. The specified items for those documents which match the default criteria (from index “0” to index “99”) will be deleted
    • All Documents
      In this case the items for all the documents matching the query will be deleted.
      Be aware that this may be a huge number which may make your NodeRED environment getting out of Memory.
    • By Page
      In this case, you will be asked to specify the start and count options in order to delete the specified items for “count documents starting at the start index
      • The start and count parameters can also be specified by the incoming msg.DDB_startValue and msg.DDB_countValue attributes.
        The values in the configuration panel override the incoming values.
    • —set from DDB_displayResults–
      The incoming msg.DDB_displayResults can be used to provide the information at runtime. Valid values are “Default”, “All” and “byPage”.
  • we are using Defaults for the query. You can override them by unchecking the Default Options checkbox and specifying different values for the Max View Entries, Max Documents and Max Milliseconds parameters).
  • The Item Names input can be left empty in the editor. You can use the msg.DDB_itemNames input attribute (which is a comma-separeted list of item names).

Deleting Items by Unique Ids

If you want to replace items within documents by specifying a list of unique ids, you will see the following panel:

You can specify a comma-separated list of unique Ids (in the above picture F3621B43510933A88825831D00474F2D, E2510A3A32409822F77714720C99363E1C) and a comma-separated list of item names (in the above picture customer, amount).
The Item Names input field defines the items that will be removed from the selected documents.

  • The Doc Ids input can be left empty in the editor. You can use the msg.DDB_unids input attribute (which is, also, a comma-separated list of unique ids) to provide the information at runtime
  • The Item Names input can be left empty in the editor. You can use the msg.DDB_itemNames input attribute (which is a comma-separeted list of item names).


If the execution of the node successfully completes, the following outputs will be provided:

The DDB_docs array provides a list of Unique Ids representing the documents that have been created.
The DDB_result object contains the additional outputs provided by the API.